
Rexplore (uses) a fine-grained, automatically populated topic ontology, in which topics are identified and structured according to a number of semantic relationships. The resulting knowledge base is generated using a combination of statistical methods and background knowledge on the basis of a large-scale corpus of publications [...] and is then augmented with geographic information [...] .


  1. Rexplore Ontology is automatically populated
  2. The Ontology includes Topics with a number of semantic relationships
  3. The KnowledgeBase is generated using a combination of statistical methods and background knowledge
  4. Background knowledge includes a corpus of publications
  5. The Knowledge Base is augmented with geographic information



@prefix rdf: <> . @prefix : <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix dbpedia: <> . @prefix dn: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix void: <> . @prefix skos: <> . <> a foaf:Document ; rdfs:comment "0) Rexplore Ontology is automatically populated 1) The Ontology includes Topics with a number of semantic relationships 2) The KnowledgeBase is generated using a combination of statistical methods and background knowledge 3) Background knowledge includes a corpus of publications 4) The Knowledge Base is augmented with geographic information" ; rdfs:label "Rexplore (uses) a fine-grained, automatically populated topic ontology, in which topics are identified and structured according to a number of semantic relationships. The resulting knowledge base is generated using a combination of statistical methods and background knowledge on the basis of a large-scale corpus of publications [...] and is then augmented with geographic information [...] . " . :backgroundKnowledge dn:hasPart :corpusOfPublications . :geographicInformation dn:isExtractionOf :backgroundKnowledge . :knowledgeBase dn:combinationFrom :backgroundKnowledge, :statisticsResults ; dn:hasPart :geographicInformation . :ontology dn:describes :topicsSet ; dn:hasRelations :semanticRelations ; dn:isPartOf :knowledgeBase . :statisticsResults dn:isStatisticOf :backgroundKnowledge .